June 2023


Very apt for me to start journalling it out during Pride Month! Happy Pride to all who read this, may your days be peaceful and full of love. It's been a special kind of tough living in the South... so I'm sending love energy beams outward to all you LGBT+ folks also living and fighting against the constant right-wing onslaught happening down here.

I'm gonna start this month's log with a copy-paste of the message I added to my homepage in May, for posterity's sake.

May 2023 Front Page Update

Hello web browsers,

I want to explain myself somewhere on this website, partially for your sake but mostly for mine – I need a place to document where I am right now, so I can look back and see how much progress (good or bad) I have made since then.

I’ve been completely overloaded with work this past year. I work at a pretty new and upcoming company, so it’s severely understaffed which has meant I take a lot of extra work hours to make up for that. I make good money (like REALLY good money with the overtime), but I’ve really let that get to my head and take over my life. I’ve been so focused on the idea that I should keep working past what’s healthy just to save up for things I don’t need right now – save up for the possibility of needing things. And, while important – because the economy is in shambles – it’s really taken me away from my friends and family in a way that I’ve been denying for months.

My job has recently hired on some more staff, so I’ve been weaning off my workaholicisms. I have more reasonable hours now, which has allowed me to spend more time with my boyfriend and hang out with our shared friend group. It’s also allowed me to focus more on little projects like this website! I’ve been talking with my friends about various Experiences Supernatural, and I’m excited to document those stories here.
Stay tuned…

So yeah, I'm trying to moderate my workload. I've actually felt way more in touch with my creative tendencies after slowing down, which has helped me get the energy up to work on this site again.

One thing I'm not sure about is what is interesting enough for me to put in this journal. I guess if anything funny happens with my friends or if I find a really good YouTube video then I can talk about it here...


It's close to midnight, spent Father's day hanging out with the day's Father. I'm lucky my dad has been open and accepting of me - he's supportive of my relationship with Joey and he's proud of me for working so hard at my job. I think he's trying not to repeat the kind of damaging relationship he had with both his parents, and I admire his efforts. He and my mom sacrificed a lot to be where they are for me and my sister, and it's something I make sure to remind myself.
I got my dad a wood-carving kit for Father's day. He used to whittle a lot when I was a kid, and I'm hoping we could maybe spend some time together carving sticks into bears or knives or whatever.


Midnight again! Notice the pattern of what time I end up setting aside for this website (late, right before I pass out, optimal emotions time).
Firstly I just wanted to put this burger somewhere on my website -> burgerg
Secondly I'm writing here that I've finally finished writing the next ghost story on this website, The Tooby Trials. Took me a while to make my thoughts coherent enough for this! I had some help from Tom, who was really the main target of this ghost scenario.
I wasn't quite happy with the formatting I landed on for the Tooby page - it's kinda chunky and I didn't find very many good gifs to help illustrate the story. But that perfectionism was preventing me from actually working on and finalizing the thang ding - er, dang thing - so I'm throwing it out to the public before I have second thoughts. I'll be sure to post in these journals any future updates or fixes I may make to that page...